door King Harold » 08 feb 2007 17:45
status: 1%?
working on: those damn tiles
well, if you must ask, those tiles are really annoying me, and I've never done any OGl, only DX and XNA, I can make everything except 3D terrain perfectly in XNA/DX, but it doesn't allow this type of terrain, I've tried storing the whole thing as indexed primitives but it was so big that even my GeForce 6800 didn't support it. I can get somewhere in OGL, with the lighting and all, I can set it up. But I can't make it look nice and in fact I don't even know how to make an OGL screen fullscreen. I've looked it up but nothing worked although it DID work in the examples.
So I currently have "2 versions", one XNA version which may be at 3% and one OGL version which is definitely at less than 1%. I can't even import more than 1 texture in OGL - any texture will override textrure1. The XNA version imports missions, has buildings, menu's, minimap, minimapscrolling, I dropped the buildings though - I didn't import them properly, but they'll be back.